Saturday, January 2, 2021

Doing it right as a community

Doing it right as a community

  • Finding common basics
  • Establishing a community culture
  • Cultivating what improves the community
  • Highlighting collective achievements
  • Being vigilant
  • Having fitting relations with other communities
  • Evolving while maintaining achievements
  • Having healthy institutions

Fitting to the reflections on doing it right as an individual, these reflections are about doing it right as a community.

For a community, common basics are needed. With those given, a community culture can be established. Thus, the phenomena which improve the community can be cultivated. Once a common consciousness is established, a highlighting of achievements can be done. The highlighting results in vigilance. The vigilance creates awareness for fitting relations with other communities. Evolving while keeping the identity takes the community to better levels. Healthy institutions help all this.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Doing it right as an individual

Doing it right as an individual

  • Mastering challenges and thus evolving to better levels
  • Making the best of the given
  • Seeing opportunities
  • Helping others
  • Connecting
  • Creating
  • Innovating
  • Sustaining

Just some reflections on what one might call doing it right as an individual.

The most important is consciousness - one which implies awareness of oneself and one's situation as well as constant self-improvement and situational improvement. With such a consciousness, one masters challenges and evolves to better levels. By doing that, one learns to make the best of the given. Seeing opportunities is a quality which thus develops. Once that is given, one helps others evolve. Through constructive contact one creates connections. Additionally, one inspires others and that results in creativity. Cultivating creativity takes it to innovation and sustainability.